Update: Bikini Watch
In the body building world, you often hear the phrase "it gets harder and harder every time you go to cut." Why? When you first begin working out, your body takes time to react and adjust to the changes. This is why we see the largest physique and weight changes in the first few weeks of embarking on a new fitness regime. As the weeks go by, our bodies adapt and become accustom to the new routine; our progress begins to slow/plateau. A well-conditioned body that has been training consistently for years requires a greater output of work -or a greater change in diet- to see the same results as a "beginner" in the process. Conclusion: if your fit, be prepared to work even harder.

A really good example of this process actually has to do with my own workouts at Orange Theory Fitness. At the studio you wear a heart rate monitor while you sprint, row, lift weights, and TRX. The average person can burn anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories in the one hour session (and believe me when I say: you WILL sweat!) I have been 3 times to the studio, each time I burn a record breaking calorie burn of approx 490 calories *sarcasm* and I guarantee you that I am dripping with sweat by the end of the hour. Why is this? Because I am conditioned. My body knows how to recover faster. My body is USED to working out and has ADAPTED to rigorous exercise. Go figure.
I started this 12-week process to document the bikini-prep process. I forgot how hard it was. I, also, forgot how people don't watch what they say to you as you try to lose the weight or tell them about your plans. I forgot how unsupportive, jealous, or straight-up rude people can be. I, also, forgot just how amazing a few of my really close friends are; how they check in once-in-awhile to see just how I am doing physically and mentally. The process is hard, and when you're fighting your body to lose weight it really doesn't want to, it can become an even greater struggle.
If you read about my bikini diet, you know that I had 2-3 keto days a week. Those days are hard, especially when you are carb-sensitive. I have had to cut those days out for the sake of my own mental stability and the relationship I have with my family (let's face it, I'm a basic cow on those days!) Instead, I have opted to cut my calorie intake for the remainder of the last 3 weeks before "peak-week." I am still only 10 pounds down, when my original goal was 15-20. I'm at 18% body fat and my body just does not want to budge. Luckily, I planned an alternative goal in the event that I was unable to make it to stage (because, let's face it: you've got to be itty-bitty to fit that teeny-weeny bikini): a boudoir photoshoot with the ever-talented Brittany Santos Photography. I am still aiming for 14% body fat and will still go through the steps for stage (as it is a similar process for fitness shoots) but this feels like a goal that is much more for me than is "fitting in with women on stage."
The road to stage is not easy. If it was, everyone would do it! I know countless women who have tried, and quit. I have wanted to quit, countless times! It truly is a mind-over-matter process and is not for the faint of heart. Others will ask you "why" over and over again. Many women will tell you that you can't -why do we cut each other down? Throughout the whole process, the one thing you need to tell yourself is you can, keeping close to your heart the reason you started. But do it for you. Do it because you love a challenge, and you love yourself enough to see yourself succeed. That's what matters. Not getting up on the stage, not winning a medal or a trophy. What matters is you put your all in because you love yourself, and want to see what you can create. That's all that matters