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Eating for the teeny weeny bikini

I set out for a 12 week "bikini prep" and I am 3 weeks in. I'm a little tired, pretty sore, and emotional bouncing between elation for my loss of 6 pounds, and fear that I will plateau. I just keep reminding myself I have 9 weeks to go. 9 more weeks: no wine; no cake or cookies (even on my anniversary); just chicken, fish, and a f@$& load of vegetables. There is a huge misconception in the health and diet world that states you need to eat less to lose weight. Although in theory this makes sense - the less-calories-in, more-calories-out mental- it is not the same when you are attempting to cut fat and retain muscle, as is the case for bikini competition prep. You see, when you cut calories and halt "feeding" the building and repair of muscles, you don't just lose fat: you lose all that beautiful muscle you have spent a year (or more) building. This (in case you missed the point) is a bad thing. So how do you lose the weight without losing your "bulk?"

A bikini competitor's diet can vary depending on you coach and his/her style; your metabolism; your current eating habits and exercise regime; and your body's individual reaction to foods (yes, this plays a role.) We, also, can't forget your current body fat %. As you find in many fitness journeys, those that have not eaten well or exercised prior to starting tend to make great changes in the first few weeks of a structured fitness/diet program. This is because the body is being forced into a new regime it has not had time to be accustomed to. Your body is placed in a state of stress, and therefore reacts accordingly. Eventually, your body adapts to your diet and physical regime -plateauing- and alterations need to be made to the program in order to continue making physical changes. For someone who eats clean on a daily basis and maintains a rigorous fitness regime, we have to celebrate the "little" changes throughout the process and understand that there won't be a significant jump in numbers on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, we need to make sure we continue to change the program in order to keep achieving those "small-but-significant" changes, increasing the intensity. This is where I sit.

In the off-season, I tend to eat anywhere between 1,700 and 1,900 calories a day, comfortably. Cardio is, roughly, 3 times a week for MAYBE 30 minutes. I like my weekend morning runs. In prep, I have fasted cardio every morning, and have increased it to 20 minutes, 2 times per day. Not impossible by any standards, but it does make for a longer day. On top of this, I lift weights for 30-45 minutes. This exercise regime will only get me part of the way, however: my diet must be key. The following is an example of what I am eating, daily (1,600/day), Friday through Wednesday, and for my Thursday "Fat" day:

*In no way do I recommend copying this without professional guidance. This is, simply, my approach to my personal weight loss for stage.*

Friday to Wednesday

4:45-5:30ish - Fasted Cardio

6:30 am - 3/4 c egg whites

- 1/2 c steel cut oats

- 1/4 t cinnamon

- 1 T natural peanut butter

Calories 371.50

P38 F9.5 C33.5

9:30 am - 4 oz chicken

- 1/2 c Cucumber

- 100g Carrots

- 1 c Cherry Tomatoes

Calories 234.00

P26.5 F6 C18.5

12:30 pm - 4 oz chicken

- 1 c steamed broccoli/cauliflower

- 200g baked potato/ yams

Calories 353.00

P32 F5 C45

3:30 - 5:00 pm - 2nd Cardio; Weight training

6:00 pm - 4 oz sole/ chicken/ ground turkey

- spinach salad, topped with 1T home-made vinaigrette

- 1/2 c Cucumber

- 1/2 c rice

Calories 330.5

P38.8 F3 C37

9:00 pm - 175g plain Greek yoghurt

- 100g blueberries

- 1/2 c steel cut oats

- *optional* diet soda

Calories 310.2

P24.4 F2.6 C47.3

Total daily Calories = 1,598

Daily Macros = P160 F 26 C181

Thursday - Fat Day

4:45 - 530 - Fasted Cardio

6:30 am - 3/4 c egg whites

- 2 eggs

9:30 am - 100g ground turkey

- 1 c cucumber

- 10 cashews

12:30 pm - 100g chicken

- 1c steamed broccoli

2:45 (prior to 2nd cardio session and weight training)

- 100g ground turkey/chicken

- 1 c cucumber

6:00 pm - 3oz lean red meat or salmon/ 100g chicken

- spinach salad, lemon zest, 1/4 T EVOO

9:00 pm - 1 c egg whites

- 1T peanut butter

- green peppers/celery/cucumber

I don't bother counting the calories on Thursdays: I know I'm eating well under my regular daily intake. The premise is to put my body into a temporary state of ketosis which, in theory, should make my body live off its fat stores rather than readily available glucose from carbohydrate intake, therefore burning more fat. It's a long day. It's tiring. And in NO WAY do I recommend it to anyone as a form of weight loss without consulting a professional. My diet will change over the next 9 weeks. I will, eventually, cut out dairy (including my evening "treat" of plain yogurt) and there will come a point I no longer can have sweet vegetables like carrots or peppers. It's temporary. I am not chasing permanent weight-loss, but rather a look I am renting for stage. Most days, I am excited and feel invigorated. Today, I am looking forward to tomorrow's oats. No one EVER said competing was for the faint of heart or weak of mind. 9 weeks to go!

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