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Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Well, bikini season is in full swing! Do I know this from the weather? No - it's raining more days that we have had sunshine for almost a month! Is it from the amount of bathing suits I have bought? No - in fact, I don't think I have purchased one this year. I know it's summer due to the amount of requests (both personal and via social media) for my opinion on fat burners and crash diets. *Can you hear my audible sigh?* On top of that, I have been asked more times than I like: "Do you want to join my diet bet?" "Can I interest you in buying my shakes?" Throw in a few inquiries on training for a bikini competition, and a light-bulb was finally lit above my head: what if I was able to show these women exactly what a bikini-competition prep looks like?! I see those diet bets, enticing you to join by saying you'll look "stage ready" in a few weeks. I, also, understand the appeal of wanting to look like a bikini competitor. But, telling someone what life in prep is like, doesn't give a full picture of the reality.

My last competition prep involved me prepping for 20 weeks, including cheat meals, and a slow-but-steady-decrease in weight. I, also, hated my life for those 20 weeks. I was proud that I made it to stage: a momma of two, walking on stage among all these amazing (and never-had-a-baby) athletes. I wish I had kept a diary during my prep in order to help others understand the highs, and the lows, of the process: it isn't all spray tans, sparkle, and glamour! There are a lot of sweaty, dry-shampoo days, because you know you will be back at the gym for your second round of cardio! You're hungry, a lot! And man, are you exhausted! But, it is also rewarding in seeing the daily changes; and, it feels amazing to walk on stage! So, without further ado, I'm jumping into it and giving you a front seat to every nitty-gritty detail.

This time, I'm doing things a little different. I have put on a lot of muscle in the last 14 months, which means my stage weight will be a bit different. I'm, also, doing 8 weeks less of prep: not ideal, but not entirely impossible either. It just means more cardio right off the hop, and far less "cheats" - like, next to nothing! I am going to be sharing with you the routines, what my daily meals look like, my progress, and my mental/emotional state on a weekly basis. Why? Partly for accountability; partly because I think it is very rare to see an honest account of the bikini preparation process. I have met too many people who see this process as a glamorous weight-loss approach, when in reality: these results aren't lasting, and the "prep" diet should never be used as an attempt at lasting weight-loss results.

The Details:

  1. I don't have a coach this time around, but I do have friends who are helping me. Coaching is expensive, and can be upwards of $1,500 for a 12-week-prep: for an MBA student and mom-of-two, that just doesn't fit in the budget.

  2. How many pounds do I have to lose: roughly 19lbs. (To stage weight, which is an unrealistic weight for me to hold on a regular, and living-life-to-the-fullest state.)

  3. Am I terrified? You bet your freaking butt I am! I'll be working tirelessly for 12-weeks for a body I get to "rent" for 24 hours!

  4. Prep approach: Fasted-cardio, daily, increasing in time and sessions each week. I will, also, be carb-cycling, with keto-days, increasing the number of those days the further into prep I go.

  5. Diet: my daily calories are starting at 1,600/day. After surgery, where I was eating very little, I had to increase my caloric intake slowly. This was my daily allotment during my last prep, however I am aware that my calories will have to decrease as time goes on. My hopes is to keep my calories anywhere from 1,400-1,500/day.

  6. Goal weight: 130lbs, before peak-week.

I am already a few days in having started on Monday, and am praying to the cardio-gods I can get there. Hopefully, you will help cheer me on!

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