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Beginning the Road to Rehab

I remember being in such a rush after having my second (the Moose) to get back in shape, that I loaded up the stroller and took the kids for a 4km run 4 weeks post-partum. *NOTE: I do NOT, in any way suggest someone do this! Rushing back into a fitness routine, especially before your 6-week check up is a big "NO."* I didn't take it easy, but rather rushed in to a rigorous fitness regime. Yes, I lost my baby weight by 6 months post-partum. However, I was in surgery 2 years later to fix a hernia that could have been easily repaired had I gone through the correct steps of rehab.

Now, I am 5 weeks post-op and slowly easing myself back into things. I am listening to my body: when it says stop, I stop. I am lifting very light weights (5-20lbs at any given time), despite worrying about the judgements of others. I am starting over. I do not want to go back to where I was, pre-op. Part of that rehab involves reteaching all layers of my core how to move through regular, day-to-day task, prior to using it in a heavy-loaded deep squat.

WAIT! "Layers?!" Yes, layers of my core. Your core is made up of more than just the 6-pack you see/dream of. The deepest layer is the Transverse Abdominis (located under the obliques) which wraps around your spine for protection and stability. Next you have the Internal Obliques and the Rectus Abdomins (there's your 6-pack!) Lastly, you have the External Obliques: the muscles that give fitness competitors those deep, side-cut lines. When you train your abdominal muscles, you want to think of working from the inside out. If you don't, you will find that no matter how strong the outer layers are, your core will still be weak. In case you're having a hard time catching on: that's a bad thing!

So, what am I doing to rehab? Well, aside from lifting very light weights I have started a post-partum friendly 10-week+ program to help walk me through building and engaging all parts of my core. I started by having my pelvic floor and diastasis recti assessed by a pre/post-natal physiotherapist, and have signed up with Busy Mom Gets Fit flat tummy program. What I like about Val's approach to rebuilding the core is it's focus on the core as a whole. She understands that it doesn't matter how long post-partum you are, you can always retrain and rebuild your foundation muscles. The exercises are easy and well explained. The routines fit in to my daily scheduled, and there are videos to follow in the event I don't know what I'm doing. It's been a great place for me to start.

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