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Karma Sweat Session: ways to help Wildfire Relief

It has been a frightening week here in Alberta. With the wildfires causing over 80,000 people to be evacuated from their homes, not knowing what they will return to, has brought the province together in a way I have never seen. I have, honestly, never been more proud to call myself an Albertan.

As the week winds down, and we all begin to pray for rain this coming weekend, I have compiled a list of fitness places that have decided to extend a helping hand by offering a sweet sweat session, while collecting donations for wildfire relief. Check them out, get moving, and help out your community!

Natasha has once again stepped up and is asking for donations from all those surf-setters coming in for their regular sweat sesh. Their doors are, also, open to any evacuees wanting to jump on a board and join in, admission is free.There are classes for every time and day of the week, so check out the schedule, get on a board, and donate!

2. Blitz Conditioning

The studio is putting on a HIIT Karma Class this evening (May 6) from 6 - 7pm at their 10575 115 St location. Admission is by donation.

3. Moksha Yoga

Karma classes (by donation) are being offered at both the 14927 111 Ave and 3751 99 St. locations. It's 9-10pm. A great way to end the day: getting bendy and contributing to a great cause.

4. 2G Fitness Barre Studio

If you're wanting to get those legs shaking and your hearts pumping, all while supportig those in need, check out Lara and Nicole's Karma class Sunday, May 15 from 10 - 11 am at their 9254 34A Ave studio. They will be accepting donations for emergency relief. Admission fees waived for evacuees. You can register in person or online

5. Worldhealth, YMCA and Goodlife locations

For any evacuees looking for a shower, charge their phone, etc. you are more than welcome to any of these fitness locations, free admission.

6. Canadian Redcross

Can't make it in to a class? Text REDCROSS to 30333 to donate $5 to the Redcross emergency relief fund.

If you're wanting to help out, above an beyond a workout, the Edmonton Emergency Relief Services is collecting donations of NEW items (toiletries, diapers, wipes, toothbrushes, socks, underwear, towels, etc.) at their 10255 104 St location. There are also drop-offs all around the city if you're unable to make it downtown.

8. Basically Babies

A local charity very near and dear to my heart, Basically Babies has initiated a project to support families with newborns that have been evacuated from Fort McMurray. Although this doesn't get you up and moving, donating to the cause will certainly help lift your heart. They are looking for:

1000 Sleepers( 0-12 months)

250 packages of disposable diapers (sizes 1, 2 and 3)

250 packages of baby wipes

500 receiving blankets, 250 warm blankets

500 pairs of socks(0-12 months)

500 bibs, 200 warm blankets

250 baby hats (0-12 months)

250 jackets and sweaters (0-12 months)

500 onesies or undershirts (0-12 months)

Their warehouse will be open for drop off of baby items next week Monday - Thursday from 8am - 4 pm, located at 14839 118th Avenue

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