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Are you choosy about your role models?

When you have a goal, or a wish, or a dream that has great personal meaning, it can be hard to stop your thoughts from focusing on it. I know when I'm in training, my husband has to tell me to stop flexing in the mirror, or asking his opinion on my gains. If you're like me, you may pull up inspirational pictures on Google or Pinterest; you might start to follow those that live your dream on Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat. These personal stories may motivate you. You may dream of following in their footsteps to get to where they are. And, if you’re like me, you might just get a little down on yourself when you feel like you’re giving it your all, but don’t quite have the same life they lead.

Why is this? Why do we act like emotional cutters focusing on these beautiful people living our “dream life,” while we chose to forgo applying realistic expectations to the real lives we live? I recently watched a Periscope on this very subject, and it continues to keep the wheels turning for me as I make the conscious effort to be choosy of my role models. I see the beautiful women at expos, with the dream jobs and bodies I want. I, also, see that I don’t have time to spend 5 hours a day at the gym; the money to spend on a personal food services; the one responsibility of maintaining my physique for stage success. I have a bus-load of responsibilities to others in my life, and the desires to not only be fit, but to be a contributing member of my family! I don’t want my children to look back and say “Mommy was nice, but she was always at the gym.”I don’t want my husband to think we can only, ever, eat plain chicken and rice! I work hard to may "fit" fit my life! I meal prep. I plan my schedule with me-time at the gym. I incorporate fitness into my daily activities and routines. I do it so that I can get it in and still achieve results without giving up everything else. If this is how my life is, why am I hoping to model my results to those that don’t live anything close to that?

Be careful who you choose to idolize! Be choosy! It would make very little sense for me to dream of the same physique success as an 18-year-old bikini model; one who has never had kids, and still has a teenage metabolism. It would, also, make very little sense for me to dream of having the same success as someone who has the monetary funding to focus solely on their workouts, travel the world to various shows, and afford plastic surgery to enhance their physique. Instead, I choose to follow women such as Danielle Tolbert, Erica Willick, Valerie Soloman, and Christie Nix: women that lead lives with familial responsibilities; successful careers; and similar obstacles they overcome to achieve daily success. They are women that work hard to build other women up. They are changing the industry by teaching women it's ok to take some personal time and work on you. Showing them you can see results within your busy life. Instead of feeling down on myself while following their message, I feel inspired and empowered; in charge of my own success.

Be choosy on your role models. It doesn’t take a supermodel or business tycoon to inspire. Look in your local area. Look to your friends. I know I am inspired on a daily basis by some of the amazing women in the fitness industry right here in YEG. Natasha from The Surf Studio over came great physical injury, to find herself as a successful business owner and fitness instructor. Kellie from Fit Your Life took inspiration from her love of women’s health and labour/delivery at the Royal Alex to build a business on coaching women during the pre- and post-natal stages of life. Nicole and Lara from 2G Fitness wanted to break free from the “box” fitness lifestyle, and lift women up through the practice of barre. Then there are the friends that work hard, every day, to make healthier choices from their families. These women don’t need to, but still show up to workout. The ones that don’t have the pressure of a show or photoshoot, but make the choice to life a fit life. These are the women that inspire me.

It's ok to be choosy! It’s also, ok to follow the role models that lead very different lives. It’s ok to let them inspire you. What’s not ok, is to beat yourself up when you are up against completely different odds, experiencing different results. We are all on a different journey with the same ending. Enjoy it! Let yourself be inspired! But never let that inspiration get you down.

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