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YEG Elite Powerlifting: Become a better version of you

We all start out at a gym for the same reason: to get healthy. Some choose to use that membership to play like the hamsters and run/walk on a treadmill. Some of us like to pick heavy things up and put them back down with various plyometric exercises. Even though I was “new” to the gym many years ago, I still remember the feelings of intimidation and self-doubt as I took my first steps in to a fitness club. I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t know if I wanted to focus on losing weight, or gain strength. Could I do both? I did what most women do and stick to the basic movements with high reps and low weight. I was new and I didn’t know what I was doing or where I fit in (it felt like high school all over again!) All around me I could see the cardio-bunnies in their tight shirts and mini-shorts and the meat heads flexing in front of the mirror. Then, once in a blue moon, there were the unicorns: the strong-looking individuals that were lifting far heavier weights than anyone in the room, decked out in their chucks and weight belts. They would be lifting unimaginable weights at low reps, and achieving goals I never thought possible. Yes, they were the majestic, powerlifting unicorn, and I wanted to be one! But, I didn’t know how or where to start! No one talked about powerlifting, especially with girls. The women I knew weren’t encouraged to focus on strength or build muscle, so I would turn my head and focus on achieving the “stage ready” body instead of strength. My opinion on powerlifting has evolved since then and if you have been following you know that I love to achieve new personal records and/or muscle gains. And, over the years, I have seen a rise in attention in powerlifting, as brand names such as Deadlifts and Donuts and bodybuilding moguls like Dana-Lynn Bailey make headlines with their attention to strength and PR’s. There is a revolution happening in the fitness industry, and there is a group of people in the city of Edmonton that are working hard to help build the cause.

Nate Vella arrived in Canada only a few years ago, hailing from the beautiful Sydney, Australia to trade in his beach loving days for snow (which he had never seen before) and maple syrup (which tastes great on just about anything and everything). Not knowing anyone, when he was given an invite by acquaintance Scott Johnson to join him at the gym, he figured it was worth a shot. Little did he know

that this invite would lead him to a longer stay in Canada and a passion for lifting like no other. He wasn’t very strong at first, so he says, but Scott assured him not to worry: Nate was working on becoming a better version of himself with every rep he did and every weight he lifted, no matter the numbers. The focus wasn’t on their physical appearance; but on achieving new goals. This focus on lifting/squatting/pushing heavy weights while living a balanced lifestyle was enough to get Nate hooked. He was driven by the feeling of accomplishment, of reaching personal bests and enjoyed being part of a group that identified themselves as power lifters! And they were proud of it! The only obstacles they found were that those around them, at the gym and at home, just didn’t understand. Why? Because the fitness industry -be it big-box gym promotions or the covers of glossy fitness magazines- focuses on the accomplishments of the scale rather than the physical achievements of getting healthier and stronger! “Light weights and lots of reps!” “Cardio makes the difference!” “Eat clean 100% or you won’t make your goals!” Nate and Scott saw this and knew that if they wanted to see the change, they needed to be the change.

YEG Elite Powerlifting team has, as you guessed it, made Edmonton its home. Having started out in a team member’s basement, complete with rusty weights and shaky squat rack, they now have spread themselves across the city and organize team meetings of 25-30 members on a regular basis. The team consists of new and seasoned members; members that have never lifted a weight and members that have decided to take a step back from the competitive stage of bodybuilding and focus on a more balanced lifestyle. Nate and Scott have created a safe haven for those wanting to learn and dive in to the world of powerlifting, underground from the mainstream circus of bikini competitions and baby oil. They have built an extraordinary team from the ground up: representing a balanced life while pushing personal limits. They reach out to the public via social media and host open nights for anyone that wants to dabble in the world of powerlifting. As someone who loves to reach my own PR’s in the Big 3 (squats, bench, and deadlifts) I can appreciate their efforts in educating others and encouraging new comers to make a life change and join.

What’s in store for the future of YEG Elite Powerlifting, Nate and Scott? Well, Scott was recently offered a position in the Vancouver fitness industry that he couldn’t turn down; but Nate is still here, offering up his infectious energy and his wisdom to keep the team’s momentum going. Alongside him is another amazing powerlifter, Dean Geudo; whom has helped shape the team to be what it is today. Together they have been working hard to launch their own fitness/life apparel line –which is pretty f#$@ing sweet, if you ask me- and adding new members to the team on a regular basis. Thinking of venturing into the word of powerlifting? Want to get your toes wet? Add them on Instagram @yegelite.powerlifting or check them out on Facebook: YEG Elite. Message or DM them to find out the details on upcoming events and championships, or just to ask them a question! After all, these guys know what it’s like to pick up a weight for the first time and start your journey. So, come start your journey with them –who knows, you may just become a unicorn.



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