A Casual Affair
Last week, I was lazy. Yes, I made every workout. Yes, my macros were on point. However, I didn't post. I didn't write. The reason why? Because I was having a fantastic time collaborating with some amazing local women, supporting their businesses through an evening of health and beauty! It was an amazing night, spent celebrating inspiring women and meeting so many new faces in the community!

Growing up, I was introduced to social events, parties, political venues, and networking. These experiences helped me develop skills in the promotional side of business, along with public speaking. Lately, I have been wondering what more I can do to help the smaller businesses in my community; especially, those that are run by women. I wanted to create an event that promoted female business power, while introducing the public to the face of the business owner through grassroots marketing. So, over a cup of coffee on the couch with a friend, as we watched our children play, we discussed the possibility of such an evening. One month later and a team of exceptional ladies came together to create the night I had only dreamed of.
Looking back, the collaboration of these women still puts me in awe. Each one of them brought their own creative skills, knowledge of health and beauty, and business expertise to the table, and supported the evening with their hearts. The house, to my relief, was packed for the full three hours. The evening was full of conversation, wine, and champagne; as it should be when celebrating female power. I just want to extend my gratitude to all the ladies involved, from the vendors to the visitors, to the gracious staff at Cured Wine Bar: Thank you for a night to remember!

PS. If you missed out, don't fret! Stay-tuned for 2016!