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Quick & Dirty: My top 5 suggestions for on-the-go healthy eats

You're busy. Between work/friends/family/chores/kids activities/school/some-other-crazy-thing-that-demands-your-precious-time it can get hard to have each of your meals planned and prepared for any moment that hunger may strike. You're trying to stay on track. You try to avoid temptation from the easily available fast-food chains, ignore your growling stomach, and tell yourself that waiting to get home won't be that difficult. But, sometimes we just don't want to! I've been there. I've, also, done my research a little and have a list of places that I know carry something that will not only fill me, but keep me within my dietary requirements and stay the road to my goals. And, it just so happens that I'm going to share that list with you...lucky dog:

#1 Chopped Leaf

Love me some Chopped Leaf. So much so, that it is the first place my husband suggests when we start making "lazy" dinner plans. I always get the Sunshine Salad with prawns : 27F 13C and 30P. It may sound like a lot of fat, but if you order it without cheese, that number drops -and fats are your friend, remember? Loaded with avocado, seeds, cucumbers, and green apples, it is by far my favourite thing to order.

#2 Wendy's

With a drive-through, this is a convenient stop when it's just you and the littles. Wendy's has made it easy for those of us who normally carry a large bag of carrots and/or cucumber in their bag at all time: order 1 grilled chicken breast and 1 baked potato -skip the sour cream and bacon bits. A friend of mine in competition prep. suggested this to me during the summer, and I have to say it has been a life saver. Kids get fries, mommy gets protein = everyone is happy.

#3 McDonald's

My kids like McDonald's. My husband likes McDonald's. I'm not going to ask them to stop going there just because I don't like fast-food! Plus, Boo asks to play in the play-centre everytime we drive past one. So, I compromise: I get a Greek Salad with Grilled Chicken, hold the dressing. The feta on the salad makes it nice and creamy, anyway. You're looking at 12F 27P 17C. Fits within the meal plan and everyone still gets their happy meals (are you catching a theme?).

#4 Starbucks

I love me some Starbucks! Not their lattes, but the strength of their coffee! That being said, on the early mornings that I have to sprint with only a protein shake in my hand, I like to stop for a cup of Pike and their Spinach, Roasted Tomato and Egg White Wrap. With 10F 19P and 33C it can easily fit in to your morning routine. This one is a favourite, and keeps me full much longer than a single piece of quick toast and peanut butter.

#4 Fatburger

I know: the name just makes you cringe. But, did you know they, also have salads? So, if you're in a bind and need a place to drive-through, check them out. They have a Fat Salad Wedge with Chicken for 6F 33P and 8C. Not bad when the hubby wants a Fatburger and you don't want to break your focus.

#5 Have-What-You-Want

If you can't make it home, or you're really craving something, why deny yourself? If it isn't an every day thing, when why not indulge? Sometimes, it's ok to break from the "norm" and let yourself have that greasy burger -just don't look up the macros when you get home, that $h!t will ruin your day. Have it. Enjoy it! And, then get back on that horse and meal prep! Don't know how? Take a look at my previous post, complete with grocery list and meal prep schedule.

Being fit isn't easy in a world adapted for convenience. It takes your focus and determination. It, also, requires a little bit of work to find the things that fit within your plan. These are just my top 5. If you keep searching, I'm sure you'll be surprised at how many more healthy options available. Just, keep on swimming.

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