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Where do you find your Bliss?

I went back to work, recently, after a few months off during the Summer. On top of that, I have a personal tax course I'm taking; training 5-6 days a week; meal prepping; attempting to write twice a week; a mom of two (which includes the many other hats of "mom"); and trying to find my mojo by planning a date night once a week. Oh! And actually going on said date. Somewhere in that chaos of theological hats, I am told I should find "me" time by such media outlets like Pinterest, Instagram, and health magazines. Sure, my hours spent training have their therapuetic moments. But, let's not forget I have a Hide to my Jekyll-side that is extremely competitive and tends to rear its ugly head during my training sessions when I have my less than confident moments. That fear of failure can sometimes make even the best training session less than blissful. So, when I hear "You just need to find your bliss," my first reaction is to swing, then run in the opposite direction of said irritator.

Bliss. WTF does that even mean? According to Webster's Dictionary, it means "perfect happiness, or joy." Uh huh? Sure, these societal positions and pressures are mostly self created, however our personal responsibilities are very much real. So how, without fleeing their pressure, are we to find our "bliss" in a modern capitalist society? For me? I decided to write out a Bucket List of sorts.

Bucket Lists generally list what one wants to accomplish prior to death. Mine? Well, I don't plan on passing away any time soon, so it's more of a Fitness Fall Bucket List. A list of everything I want to accomplish before the end of 2015 that will push me to new boundaries and provide me with the opportunity to create new memories with my family, friends, and with myself. I want to meet new people. I want to get out of my comfort zone of the weight room and, perhaps, fan the flames of my love for body building with its absence. I won't give up my workouts, but I will scale them back to make room for these alternative forms of fitness. Man, I must be crazy thinking I may find blissful moments in my tornado-of-a-life by adding one more thing. To tell the truth: I'm excited!

My list is compiled of things I have wanted to try, been told to try, or just randomly found on the Internet. They are all locally based and are chosen to get me out of my comfort zone. Also, I plan to write about my experiences. I plan to be honest and share my real reactions. I guess, in a sense, this is my fall "Happiness Project". If you feel like this list sounds like fun, please, take it and enjoy. If you want to join me on this crazy ride, find me on Facebook or Instagram -or, click the *Contact Me* button above* I would be happy to share my journey with you. Wish me luck!

My Fall Fitness Bucket List

1. SurfSet Family Shred Class

This class looks SO FUN! And the best part? I get to bring the Moose, Boo, and Karlos! Talk about some quality family time while getting our sweat on! The SurfSet Edmonton is a family friendly studio that offers a low impact, high intesity workout with the help of surf boards. Karlos and I love to surf, and we grew up at the base of a ski hill snowboarding every winter, so this sounds like it is right up our alley. I am more than excited to join this class, led by the amazing Natasha, and see if this is a new brand of workout -and yoga- style that will have me in shape and ready for our next island vacation.

2. 2G Fitness Barre Class

I can't dance. I'm not being shy and modest, I really can't dance. I had a lead role in the school musical, and even though I sang all my songs they cut every one of my dances. Yeah, I'm that bad! So when a friend suggested I try a barre class, I instantly pictured my weak ankles buckling underneath me as I attempted to plie in a pink leotard. No thanks! But, since I'm getting out of my comfort zone I figured I would give 2G a call. After a quick conversation, my curiosity was piqued and I went down to the studio to meet Lara and Nicole. After a welcomed cup of a tea in their tranquille studio lounge, my mind was changed. Not only do these girls promise an epic all-body workout, they offer a multitude of barre, pilates and yoga classes, all with a strength element to get you in shape. They also promised that even a non-dancer like me would survive. The all women studio sounds like a great place to invite all my girl friends to join me for a healthy version of girls' night out.

3. Vertically Inclined

Yes, I know. I climbed back in the day, but actually haven't been on a wall almost 5 years! This is my opportunity to see if I still have what it takes, and to get a good view of Karlos *wink, wink*

4. Aerial Yoga with Pole Junkies

Deep stretching while hanging from the ceiling? Yup, I'm in.

5. Acro Yoga at Yoga Life

Yoga Life offers a Friday night drop-in class for singles and couples to come try Partner/Acro Yoga. Back when I was a "Lemon Head" (aka. employed by lululemon) we used to practice these poses at parties. Now? I'm looking at this class as a way of connecting while getting in a good stretch -perfect for date night! Also, I really love Walnut pose.

6. Archery with a Compound Bow

I grew up in the middle of the Okanogan, so as a natural country bumpkin I played with guns. I have never, however, played with a compound bow. I'm not a very good shot: I more like to preted I can aim a shotgun when, really, I can barely hit a plate. That being said, Cabella's has a shooting range that will at least provide me with the opportunity to find my inner Katniss and see if I have what it takes.

7. The River Valley Walk/Stairs

This may not be the most exciting one on the list, but I am terrified of running those stairs! Plus, the idea of a family walk along the valley, after I regain consciousness, sounds like a great cool down.

8. Pole Dancing Class

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I will try it. I'm not big on this idea, but I'm told this is much more challenging than it sounds. Plus, I've never done it. AND for a conservative girl like me, this is WAY out of my comfort zone. But, I plan on wearing a lot of clothing.

9. Edmonton Corn Maze - Halloween

I love being outside, walking, and even corn mazes. I do not like being out at night, in the dark, cold, and scared. Ask anyone who knows me, I am the biggest chicken. So, what better way to get my heart racing than take part in a big Edmonton tradition with some good friends, and a husband I am hoping I can out run.

10. Ballroom Dancing

When I think of this, I think of the beginning of Gone With The Wind -all those women, in their pretty dresses whirling around the dance floor. I would not have survived if my societal life depended on my ability to dance. Again, I can't dance. At all! But I can follow, and I can keep time. So, hopefully, I'll discover that Karlos is light of foot and can keep me moving around the dance floor.

*Bonus* Boxing with Panther Gym

I have previously boxed...however, I subsequently tore my ACL. BUT! I really like feeling strong, so I'm planning on giving it another shot. Wish me luck! -PS This was Karlos' idea

Now that it is set, I have 13 weeks to complete it all before 2015 is gone and a new adventure will be set. Here goes nothing!

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