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Cheat Meal Saturday: Sometimes you fall off the wagon and land right on your face

I like dedicating myself to a specific day for my cheat meal. I enjoy this process because it helps me fight temptation by making note of the craving and saving it for my specific "Cheat" day. Don't get me wrong, in no way am I saying my diet is perfect the other 6 days of the week! I may have a couple bites of chocolate on Monday, a jujube on Thursday, a glass of wine (or bottle) on Friday night. But, my big cravings, the 1000 calorie meal cravings, are saved for Saturday.

I've been working on my reverse diet which means really sticking to my macros. I am now focusing on purposely plateuing myself at a specific weight while increasing my daily calories to 15x my body weight. Why? Because the higher the caloric intake my body gets accustomed to, the more likely I will be eating a regular diet during my next prep. Reverse dieting requires dedication to stay the course. Unfortunately, I have children and sometimes their grilled cheese looks much better than my tuna salad. Usually, I am able to persevere for fear of my future guilt. Other times I will obsess. This happened to be one of those weeks.

I broke down and went to Bulk Barn. Yup. Dieters' Hell. I loaded up on all my favourites: yogurt covered cranberries; chocolate covered salted caramels; jujubes; dark chocolate coconut covered almonds; dark chocolate covered cranberries. Then I went home, poured them in a bowl, and devoured as many as I could until I felt sick. Mhm. Wrap me in bacon and call me Glutton *oink oink* That was Wednesday.

I like to live by a 90/10 rule. 90% of the time I follow the recommended diet. I don't like breads or pastas, and the majority of my carbs come from vegetables like carrots, squash, spinach, cauliflower, etc. I eat natural fats like nut butters and avocados. You will never see margarine in my house. I rarely drink pop, and when I do I don't typically finish it. But, when my sweet tooth starts going it is insatiable! I'm working on this thing, however, that helps me accept it and move on. It's called: a reality check.

Why should I feel guilty for one meal? One slip? Do I make it to the gym? Most days. On the days I don't I'm usually always moving or going for a run. Do I eat healthy? Most days, and most meals. Will I let this "slip" ruin my plan and destroy my motivation? Heck no! That's just giving in to the gods of Glutton (I'm pretty sure they're behind Bulk Barn's inception). I will accept it and return to the plan. My next meal will be back on track. I will be back at the gym the next morning. I will eat it, and be ok knowing I'm staying the course.

I like my cheat meal. I look forward to it. I have been planning for the last 4 days exactly what I want and where I'm going to go. It helps give me a goal to keep meal prepping, or choosing to eat chicken rather than pizza for dinner. I know it isn't for everyone, but it's what works for me. I like structure. I've tried intuitive dieting, and you know what? I'm terrible when I don't have a plan! I'm like a tourist in Belgium without a map, unable to ask for directions in the native tongue. So tonight, despite me falling flat on my face in the middle of the week, I will go eat my Red Robin burger and fries. Why? Because I God damn earned it! And tomorrow? I'll be waking up to eat my oatmeal and egg whites, then hitting the gym. Because that's what you do when you stay the course.

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