Cheat Meal Saturday: Double Take Doughnuts

I have a major sweet tooth. It's so bad that my kids don't trust me when I say the candy is gone: they know I'm a hoarder and fill jars of candy on a weekly basis. *Yes, my three-year-old calls me out for fibbing* Because of this, it usually comes as a surprise when I tell people I'm not a fan of doughnuts. There's something about deep-frying dough and smothering it in icing that rubs me the wrong way. That is, until I tried Double Take Doughnuts this past weekend.

I've been a little crazy lately, what with quitting my job, building a house, and planning a move. My husband is no saint, but man, does he have some patience when it comes to me! He has also been obsessed with TMNT since childhood -he has a thing for April O'Niel. I saw on Pinterest a photo of some TMNT cupcakes and thought that would be great for me to make for him as a "Thank you for putting up with your crazy bitch wife". But, cupcakes mean a messy kitchen, a hot house, and frosting that is most likely going to be licked by E. Bad plan. Then I saw a new specialty doughnut business starting up in YEG, and I figured I would investigate. I may not be a fan of doughnuts, but K is! I quickly sent them an email asking for an order for a TMNT batch. Not only did DTD follow through, I ate two they were so good!
Double Take Doughnuts is run by two bikini competitors and sisters. Twins, actually. They have decided to combine their powers and create a business that offers the deliciousness of an unhealthy doughnut and its "double": a pro-nut. Located on the south side of Edmonton, they offer a variety of doughnut flavours and toppings and are uploading pictures of their creations on Instagram, daily, that make my mouth water and my ass double in size. The doughnuts are light and fluffy, not greasy, and the variety of toppings you can have means no one will be disappointed. When I placed my order the pro-nut had yet to be launched, but believe me when I say I will be getting my hands on some soon.
These doughnuts and the girls are the real deal: I didn't know it at the time of ordering, but I competed with one of them in my last competition. They are not only badass in their training, but also in their doughnut-making. If you want to check them out, add them to Instagram: @doubletakedoughnuts or give them a shout via email to learn more about what they offer ( A box of 4 is only $10; money you will gladly hand over when you see their creations.

*Stole the IG photo of the doughnuts from @doughnutsanddeadlifts !!!! I was more than excited to see them repost it from @doubletakedoughnuts before I picked them up*