4-day training program
Thought I'd share what a typical week of training might look for me. Life most moms, I'm busy! Not only am I a full time mom/chauffeur/cook/maid/teacher, I'm also an accountant, a student, a friend, a wife, and a daughter. Life gets busy! It gets in the way of training! So I like to keep my training days to 4-5 days a week, with cardio 5-6 (only because I truly love cardio, don't hate me!) This way, I know that the days I do make it to the gym, I am busting my a$$ and don't feel guilty about the 3-active-rest days I have in between. I, also, try to go no more than 2 days away from the gym. Anymore and I feel like I have taken a step backwards. Anyway, try it out and let me know what you think. Cheers!
Day #1 - Back and Biceps
3x12 - Pull ups (assisted/unassisted)
Superset the nest two:
4x12 - Seated Row
3x10 - One Arm Row
4x12 - Lateral Pull Down (Wide Grip/Close Grip/Wide Grip/Close Grip)
4x12/10/8/6 - Barbell Preacher Curl
Superset the next two:
4x12 - Alternating Dumbell Curl
4x12 - Concentrated Curl
Day #2 - Chest and Triceps
Superset the next three (count three down, one up):
4x10 - Dumbbell Bench Press
4x10 - Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
4x10 - Dumbbell Pec Dec
Superset the next two:
3x10 - Cable Cross-overs
3x10 - Pushups
Superset the next three:
4x12 - Tricep Extension
4x12 - Tricep Press
4x12 - Tricep Dips
Day #3 - Quads, Glutes, and Calves
Superset the next three:
4x12 - Lying Leg press (Wide Stance)
4x12 - Lying Leg press (Shoulder width stance)
4x12 - Lying leg press (Close stance)
4x10 - :eg Extensions (one full, and one half pump count as one)
3x10 - Single-leg Side-Lying Leg press
3x15 - Weighted Glute Raises
Day #4 - Hamstrings and Shoulders
Superset the next two:
4x12 - Stiff Legged Dead Lift
4x10 - Barbell Good Mornings
Superset the next two:
5x12 - Lying Hamstring Curl
5x12 - Seated Hamstring Curl
Superset the next four:
4x10 - Shoulder Press
4x10 - Side Laterals
4x10 - Front Laterals
4x10 Bent over rear Laterals