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TURNING POINT: Igniting your fire

The "Aha!" moment. The "I need to make a change" moment. For some it may be when their doctor tells them they need to make a change; a friend has a heart attack; or you can't keep up with your kids. It can be as simple as not fitting your "fat pants" anymore. It can be a break-up, or a lay-off. Mine happened when I was 19 years old, having just spent two amazing weeks at different conservation sites all over Belize, travelling on a rocky boat to Caye Caulker. Someone was asking me what I planned to do with my post-secondary education; where I saw myself going; and what I wanted in life. It was a deep question for a happy-go-lucky girl who followed the expectations others had set for her. I had always followed what I thought was set out for me, never asking "what do I want?" What did I want? Where did I want to be? What did I even like to do?! With so many questions and very few answers, I began to build a foundation of self that has led me to the person I am today. A person I am still building.

The "Aha!" moment isn't just about fitness, it is about your whole perspective of self. You often hear of mid-life changes that occur because of some life event, stimulating the personal desire to follow your heart. Why do we wait until life punches us in the head and knocks us off course to follow the path we dream of? What if we intentionally set plans in motion to propell us towards the lives we want? The lives we dream of living.

I have a plan. I goal set. I have a picture in my mind of where I see my life and my family in one year, five years, and ten years from this very moment. The picture is flexible, taking in to account that obstacles and events will occur hindering my ability to maintain my path; but it sets my course and keeps me motivated. These goals include life, fitness, and professional dreams, each building on top of the last like stepping stones to get me to my destination. Some I achieve and some I let go. Like me, my goals are ever changing. Like me, my goals are always improving.

Picture your dream life. Don't know where to start? Mine includes my family and me living near a beach, taking my kids surfing in the salty waters each morning before school while I work from home, on the patio, basking in tropical sun; running every night with my husband, and hiking with the kids on the weekend; living an active lifestyle with a profession that allows me to help other moms learn healthy habits and stay active. Sounds silly? Maybe. But I have set some plans to help me achieve at least a portion of that lifestyle. What does your perfect life look like? What lifestyle do you see yourself having? Think details: annual income; location; profession; number of kids; number of marriages; education; fitness level. Consider your top five personal values. The more specific you are, the better you can direct you goals.

Once you have a picture in your head, goal setting is easy: you just need to break down the steps to getting you closer to that dream. The more you want it and the more you goal set, the more you'll continue to build and improve upon your original plan. Pull out a pen and paper, write out your dream life and its specifics. Create a chart with three columns and fifteen rows (or print off the goal setting chart below) and start writing things down.

Make sure to remember when setting goals that you keep them:

S - specific (losing 10 pounds is great, but HOW are you going to do it)

M - measurable (how do you know when you have reached your goal?)

A - attainable (ie. go to the moon: not saying you can't do it, but you may want to think of the HOW)

R- relevant (is this going to positively/negatively affect you and those around you? is this attainable in your current personal/financial situation? If not, how can you change that?)

T- time bound (give yourself a realistic date to have completed this; ie. May 2, 2016)

Once you have written our your goals, make them public. I know, terrifying! Studies have found, however, that by making these goals public knowledge -to friends and family- you are more likely to stick with them and see them through to the end. My husband and I goal set together. We hold eachother accountable by writing it on a giant white-board and post it in our house. I also keep a digital copy of mine so that when I am working, I can review it from time to time to keep myself accountable. By constantly reminding yourself, you are keeping that fire alive and burning. Don't like one of your goals? Change it! That's the beauty of setting your own goals. Do yourself a favour and set a course to accomplish it, but if you have given it your best and you find it doesn't fuel you, drop it and change course. If it won't make you happy, why do it?

Now that you have read the Cliff's Notes on goal setting, give it a try. A piece of advice: don't make all your goals safe. These goals should scare you. They should ignite a fire in you so big that you are more afraid of NOT reaching them. Don't forget to enjoy the process. Working towards your dreams is half the fun!

vvvvvGOAL CHART vvvvvv

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