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Active Dating

Movies and popcorn. Going out for dinner. Paint night. Or if you're like me and my husband, video games and a bag of munchies on the couch! Know what these dates have in common -aside from a giant glass of red wine? Hours of sedintary enjoyment.

Before you start thinking "Oh no, now she's going to say my couch days are over!" just hear me out. The average Canadian spends almost 10 hours a day, of their time awake, sitting! On your bums! Yes, taking the appropriate rest day is also good for the body, however wouldn't it be nice if we got a little bit more movement? Wouldn't it be nice to get a little more active with someone, say your significant lover?

If you haven't already shut this window and are interested in seeing where this is going -thanks for sticking with me- then please read on to find a list of activities that are date appropriate, some slightly amorous, along with a guide of how much it will hurt your pocket. If you're in Edmonton, I've also included links to some of the establishments that you may want to check out.

($ = least expensive, $$ = mid range, $$$ = better save those pennies)

1. Rock Climbing - $$

Want a trust exercise? Put yourself on a 30ft wall with the safety rope in the hands of your significant other, see if they catch you! All joking aside, this is a great exercise that uses your full body and may even help you get over a fear of heights. If its your first time at a rock climbing gym, they will show you all the gear, how to put it on, and give you both a quick lesson in safety before you embark on this new adventure. There are routes planned out, from easy to super difficult, so make sure to give yourselves a few hours to get into it and test your strength. By the end of it, you will definitely have deserve that couch time. With passes, harness, shoes, and chalk bags for two, you'll be looking at roughly $20-$50

In YEG? check out Vertically Inclined:

2. Swimming $-$$

My father-in-law always says that you should take a girl swimming on the first date, just to see how fake she really is. Plus, who doesn't want to get a little wet with their partner? Swimming is a great exercise that uses the full body.With city rec centers, swimming makes for an easily affordable date! Want a wave pool? Check out the Clairview or Terwillegar Rec Centres in Edmonton:

3. Partner Yoga/Hot Yoga Class $$-$$$

I loooooooove partner yoga! There is something about balancing on top of someone's feet that no one will understand until they try it. If you have ever wanted to feel like an acrobat, seriously, go do this! Expect $80 for the both of you.

Not into balancing atop your partner? Try a Hot Yoga Class! It may not be the verbal bonding you have been looking for, but once you've finished 90 minutes sweating yourself into positions while not looking at your partner for fear of giggling mid shavasannah, you two will have A LOT to talk about! Seriously! This gets my husband's approval. You can expect $32 for the both of you if you bring your own mats.

For Partner Yoga in YEG, check out :

For Hot Yoga in YEG, check out:

4. Ballroom Dancing $$

Before your roll your eyes, ballroom dancing is a great way to bond with your partner. It also guarantees the two of you a date once a week for your lesson. There is something so romantic about learning to dance together, listening to the other person's body, moving in time to both classic and modern music. I'm a two-stepping kind of girl, but don't mind a fox-trot or a tango either. A lot of dance schools also put on free dance nights that bring together all ballroom dancing students to learn a new dance and enjoy a few hours of mingling with strangers. Check out your local rec centre for classes, or a dance school nearby.

Check out in YEG:

5. Circus School $$$

I know! Sounds pretty freaking awesome! If no one wants to go with me, I'll go alone! $50/person for a "Try us out!" class, but if you both enjoy it, you can register for weekly classes. It's beautiful. It's artistic. Plus, you get to be like Cirque de Soleil!

Check out in YEG:

6. Ice Skating $

There always seems to be a scene in those romantic comedies where the girl loves to skate and the guy surprises her with a night at an ice rink, and just before she leave he professes his undying love. Yeah...I'm not really in to chick flicks. BUT! Living in Canada, it's the thing to do in the winter. Plus, you get to lean on each other in hopes the both of you don't fall. A lot of areas around town have ponds or ice rinks around. If you don't have a pair of skates, your can rent them from local sports stores, or even borrow from a friend. Bring some hot chocolate or Irish coffee in a thermos and you're set!

7. Extreme Snowshoveling (thanks Karl) $

We get a lot of snow here in Edmonton, and sometimes it's nice not to have to shovel alone! Get your gloves on, jump into those sexy snow pants and help each other out. It'll take less time, plus if you have something to hash out, there is a ton of snow to throw! Do you wanna build a snowman?

8. Lazer Tag/Paintball $-$$$

Duck! Jump! Dive! Roll! Run! Lazer tag and paintball can be a full body workout -as long as you're not the person hiding in a corner. Lazer tag is definitely the cheaper option, as paintball requires you to wear full protective gear and pay for each of your shots. Both can also be extremely bonding. A few rounds of either will get you both working hard and deserving of any pizza consumed afterwards. Want a homemade pizza? Check out my previous post for a delicious, heart-healthy option.

In YEG, check out:

9. Golfing

Sans cart! Walking. In the sun. Whacking some balls. Enough said. Even if one of you isn't that great, you can use it as a learning experience and an opportunity to catch up outside of your regular busy lives. It isn't the most intense sport, but I can guarantee you two will come back smiling.

10. Sex

Yes, even this amorous activity has its merits. The longer the session, the more calories burned. Throw this one in after one of the suggestions above, and you really deserved that couch time.

Try these activities out and let me know what you thought! Have a suggestion or a date idea to add? Leave a comment and share with the rest of us. Happy Active Dating!

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