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The Importance of Rest Days and Vacation

It's summer, and chances are you've made some amazing plans. They may include weekend beach getaways, camping trips, or week long treks to exotic locations. They also include the fear of you "falling off the wagon", stepping backwards from all that you have accomplished. Well fear not, as you are not alone!

My husband and I spent the last week in Las Vegas: it was our first time, and we had a plan to see and try everything! Being the type A person I am, Karl made a request that I not plan anything and just "go with the flow". Not an easy task for me, but I had promised I would give it my all. He also asked that this be applied to my macro counting. EEP! I have been counting calories and macros, food logging, for over 13 years! I do it in my head! But this was the first time we had been away and without kids in over three years, I wasn't about to let him down now! So I gave myself a pep talk and focused on all the good a "re-feed and rest" vacation could do for my growing muscles.

How often do you go on vacation? How often do you stray from your fitness and health routine? If you're like me, your answers are "never" and "never". Sometimes, we just need a mental break from the strict rules -and the hurtful thoughts we have of ourselves- to reset both our bodies and our minds before continuing on towards our goals. With this in mind, I restrictively let go. What does that mean: restrictively let go? Well it means I attempted to eat intuitively -when I was hungry- and to make smart choices while indulging guilt free. I ate my hot wings at 2am because I love my hot wings. I ate waffles and an egg white omelette at Serendipity's for breakfast with my girlfriends. I also walked the strip with a giant slurpy, and didn't feel guilty about doing it in a bikini. I continued to tell myself the gym would be there when I got home; to enjoy the moment as it would pass in the blink of an eye. Well! Guess who came home 5 pounds heavier! But I wouldn't change it for the world.

It is much easier to stay active on vacation than it is to eat well and stick to our nutritional plans. Much of our holiday weight gain is from water retention due to high sugar/sodium foods. Case in point: I walked an average of 27 km/day in Vegas - my legs hate me! But to find a fresh salad with chicken was much more difficult than I thought! With this in mind, here are a few tips to that may help keep you on track while you're off making memories:

1. WATER! One of my biggest mistakes was not taking my water bottle with me for fear airport security would take it away. The more sugar/salt/caffeeine you consume -which may be a lot while on vacation- means the more water your body is going to need to flush it out. Take your water with you. Make a plan to keep drinking it, instead of the sugary sodas, and save those liquid calories for the Bellinis and Margherita's you're really wanting.

2. CUSTOMIZE! Don't be afraid to order something from the menu, then tailor it to your dietary needs. Always get your dressing on the side. Request grilled chicken rather than breaded. Maybe have the cheeseburger without the bun. Restaurants are becoming more health conscious and are prepared to make these alterations. It's OK to be a little picky!

3. BE AWARE OF PORTIONS! I was floored by the portion sizes of some meals. Every place we stopped at to eat I asked how big the portions were. If I thought they were too big, I requested a half size, or we shared! I also found that ordering an appie was all I needed to fill me up! Want fries with your salad? Maybe offer to split the salad with your friend's/partner's burger and fries -I'm always doing this to Karl, so often that he just now knows he won't be getting all his fries to himself. Knowing your eyes may be bigger than your stomach, and knowing your portion sizes is a good way to stay on track.

4. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! How is your body reacting to the food you're taking in? Sometimes, when we travel our circadian rythms get thrown off: our sleeping patterns aren't don't sync with the time zone; our eating schedules don't line up like they do at home; our bowels may be a little more sensitive to new foods. By the end of day 2, my skin was oilier and my stomach was in knots. I was bloated, my shirts felt tight, and I knew this was my body telling me I needed to make better choices. By day 3, I had made a plan to implement tips 1-3 and felt 10x better by noon. You're body isn't going to lie to you, so maybe have a listen.

5. GO EASY ON YOURSELF! You're on vacation! I know its difficult to break from habit for a short period of time, but you're allowed to have a little carefree fun! Enjoy it! The gym/diet will always be there when you get back. For now, focus on getting some vitamin D, fresh air, and some quality time with those that you love.

Good luck! Happy Vacationing!

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